Curriculum Vitae
Updated 2 Jan 2025
Full CV
- Ph.D. in Ecological Sciences, 2019. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
- M.S. in Biology, 2014. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
- B.S. with Honors in Biology, 2010. Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Relevant Work Experience
- July 2024 - present: Postdoctoral associate, Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY.
- July 2021 - June 2024: NSF Plant Genome Postdoctoral Fellow, Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY. Continuing work on hornwort genomics, focusing on the repeated evolution of sex chromosomes in multiple lineages
- January 2020 - July 2021: Postdoctoral associate, Boyce Thompson Institute, Ithaca, NY. Working in lab of Fay-Wei Li studying hornwort genomics and hornwort-cyanobacterial symbiosis
- May 2015 - July 2019: Research associate, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
- October 2012 - September 2019: Consultant for Wildlands Engineering Inc. Identification of wetland plants at the Malbone mitigation site, West Neck Creek, Virginia Beach, VA
- October 2017 - April 2018: Predoctoral Fellow, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
- May 2016 - May 2017: Assistant Manager, Blackwater Ecological Preserve, Isle of Wight Co., VA
- August - December 2014: Graduate teaching assistant, Old Dominion University. Taught BIOL 111 (Environmental Science) lab sections under Dr. Tatyana Lobova
- August 2014: Teaching assistant for Wetland Plants course, Cranberry Lake Biological Station, State University of New York – College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- May - June 2014: Instructor of BIOL 340 (Field Botany), Old Dominion University
- January - May 2014: Graduate teaching assistant, Old Dominion University. Taught BIOL 308 (Botany) lab sections under Dr. Kneeland Nesius
- August 2013 - December 2013: Graduate teaching assistant, Old Dominion University. Taught BIOL 115 (General Biology) lab sections under Dr. Doug Mills
- August 2013: Teaching assistant for Adirondack Flora course, Cranberry Lake Biological Station, State University of New York – College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- April - June 2013: Visiting professor, American University of Iraq-Sulaimani. Instructor for BOT 232 (Botany and the Environment) and BOT 233 (Introduction to Plant Identification)
- August 2012: Teaching assistant for Adirondack Flora course, Cranberry Lake Biological Station, State University of New York – College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- May 2012 - June 2012: Visiting lecturer, American University of Iraq-Sulaimani. I assisted in teaching a 3 week course on plant taxonomy and plant identification in Iraqi-Kurdistan
Invited Talks
- Unrecognized genetic diversity in polyploid Isoetes revealed with PacBio DNA sequencing
P.W. Schafran, E.A. Zimmer, W.C. Taylor, J.F. Bolin, and L.J. Musselman
Botanical Society of America Meeting, July 2018, Rochester, MN
- Alloployploid and autopolyploid speciation revealed through whole plastomes and nuclear homologues in northwestern North American Isoetes (Quillworts)
J. Suissa, W.C. Taylor, P.W. Schafran, and E.A. Zimmer
Botanical Society of America Meeting, July 2018, Rochester, MN
- Revealing phylogenetic relationships in northeastern North American Isoetes
W.C. Taylor, P.W. Schafran, L.J. Musselman, J.F. Bolin, and E.A. Zimmer
Botanical Society of America Meeting, July 2018, Rochester, MN
- Towards a phylogeny of Isoetes in the Southeastern United States
P.W. Schafran, E.A. Zimmer, W.C. Taylor, and L.J. Musselman
Association of Southeastern Biologists Meeting, April 2016, Concord, NC
Workshops Attended
- January 2019 - OTS Tropical Ferns and Lycophytes, Costa Rica
- July 2016 - MBL Workshop on Molecular Evolution, Woods Hole, MA
- May 2011 - IUCN Redlisting Workshop, Sulaimani, Kurdistan, Iraq
Society Memberships and Positions Held
- American Fern Society
- American Society of Plant Taxonomists
- Association of Southeastern Biologists
- Biology Graduate Student Organization (Old Dominion University)
| May 2014 - April 2015: Vice President
- Botanical Society of America
- Botanical Society of America - Old Dominion University Chapter
| May 2014 - April 2015; May 2015 - April 2016: President
| September 2013 - May 2014: Treasurer
| January - September 2013: Community Outreach Liaison
- IUCN Species Survival Commission - Freshwater Plant Specialist Group - Isoetes subgroup
- Southern Appalachian Botanical Society
| October 2017 - October 2018: Student Representative
- Society for Economic Botany
- Society of Systematic Biologists
Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships
- March 2018: Washington Field Biologists' Club Research Award
- October 2017: Predoctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution
- August 2017: Nick Savage Scholarship, Old Dominion University
- May 2017: W. Hardy Eshbaugh Graduate Student Award, American Society of Plant Taxonomists
- May 2016: Fred Case Grant, Native Orchid Conference
- April 2016: Outstanding Student Oral Presentation Award at Association of Southeastern Biologists Annual Meeting, Southern Appalachian Botanical Society
- December 2015: Kirk Student Research Award, Old Dominion University
- July 2015: Howard and Vivian Marshall Scholarship, Old Dominion University
- May 2015: Graduate Student Fellowship, Smithsonian Institution
- April 2014: Association of Southeastern Biologists Graduate Student Support Award
- March 2014: 1st Place Oral Presentation PhD. category, BGSO Spring Symposium
- August 2008: ODU Faculty Emeriti Association Scholarship
- August 2006: Governor’s Technology Scholarship
Experience with...
- *nix shell and GNU tools
- Python
- R
- ArcGIS
- NetLogo
- Bioinformatic/Genomic/Phylogenetic Tools (Geneious, MrBayes, RAxML, BEAST, PAUP*, PURC and others)
- Sun Grid Engine, Slurm