2019 June 25 -- GoFlag Data Processing

Data at pscha005@turing.hpc.odu.edu:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/GoFlag/ and /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/

Approach: Process target-enrichment reads from GoFlag using Phyluce, HybPiper, and GoFlag pipeline. Compare trees from concatenated RAxML and ASTRAL analysis of individual gene trees for each pipeline. Filter loci by various criteria and reanalyze. Following Herrando-Moraira et al. 2019 (Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution)


HybPiper requires a target file of CDS seqs (not just probe seqs). To approximate target CDS of probes for Isoetes, will BLAST probes against Isoetes transcriptomes to get all transcripts matching probes (incl. homeologs and paralogs). To do this, first need to assemble Isoetes sinensis transcriptome from Yang, T. and X. Liu. 2015. Comparing photosynthetic characteristics of Isoetes sinensis Palmer under submerged and terrestrial conditions. Scientific Reports.

Download reads from SRA into /scratch-lustre/pscha005/transcriptomes/sinensis/. Note older fastq-dump command needed for --defline-seq parameter. Trinity can't read read names as normally d/led with fasterq-dump.

In [ ]:
module load sra/2.9

fastq-dump.2.9.2 --split-files SRR1648119 --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' -O ./
fastq-dump.2.9.2 --split-files SRR1646513 --defline-seq '@$sn[_$rn]/$ri' -O ./

Files: -rw-r--r-- 1 pscha005 users 12G Jun 26 08:32 SRR1646513_1.fastq -rw-r--r-- 1 pscha005 users 12G Jun 26 08:32 SRR1646513_2.fastq -rw-r--r-- 1 pscha005 users 13G Jun 26 08:31 SRR1648119_1.fastq -rw-r--r-- 1 pscha005 users 13G Jun 26 08:31 SRR1648119_2.fastq

Reads run through Trimmomatic to remove any unpaired or low quality.

In [ ]:
module load java/11.0
java -jar /scratch-lustre/pscha005/trimmomatic/trimmomatic-0.33.jar PE -threads 16 SRR1646513_1.fastq.gz SRR1646513_2.fastq.gz ./SRR1646513_R1_forward_paired.fq.gz ./SRR1646513_R1_forward_unpaired.fq.gz ./SRR1646513_R2_reverse_paired.fq.gz ./SRR1646513_R2_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/trimmomatic/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36

Transcriptome first assembled by rnaSPAdes (each individual, then both combined since they are the same species).

In [ ]:
module load spades/3.13
rnaspades.py -m 768 -t 32 --pe1-1 ./SRR1648119_R1_forward_paired.fq.gz --pe1-2 ./SRR1648119_R2_reverse_paired.fq.gz --pe1-1 ./SRR1646513_R1_forward_paired.fq.gz --pe1-2 ./SRR1646513_R2_reverse_paired.fq.gz -o RNAspades_output_combined

rnaSPAdes Output -- combined assembly finds ~46000 more hard filtered transcripts, individual plants closely match

In [ ]:
[pscha005@turing1 sinensis]$ grep -c ">" ./RNAspades_output_*/*transcripts.fasta

Tried to run old ver. of Trinity already on Turing (/cm/shared/apps/trinity/2.0.6/Trinity). Requires java 1.7 but cluster would not go below 1.8. Running Trinity with --bypass_java_version_check resulted in a failed run ~12 hrs in.

Updating Trinity to v.2.8.5 https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq/releases/tag/Trinity-v2.8.5

New dependencies needed are jellyfish and salmon. bowtie2, java, samtools1.9 already installed as modules on Turing.

Jellyfish installed in /scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/

!Warning! Some issues with compilers encountered, before trying to make, load modules for gcc and cmake.

In [ ]:
wget https://github.com/gmarcais/Jellyfish/releases/download/v2.2.10/jellyfish-2.2.10.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=$HOME ## This installs some files required by jellyfish in /home/pscha005/bin/jellyfish/
make -j 4
make install

Salmon added to /scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/ . Does not need to be compiled, just unpacked.

In [ ]:
wget https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/salmon/releases/download/v0.14.0/salmon-0.14.0_linux_x86_64.tar.gz

Trinity installed in /scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/

In [ ]:
wget https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq/archive/Trinity-v2.8.5.tar.gz

Now Trinity 2.8.5 should run with following SLURM script:

In [ ]:
#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -o Trinity2.8_combined.txt
#SBATCH -n 32
#SBATCH -p himem
#SBATCH --mail-user=pscha005@odu.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=Trinity_Combined

module load java/12.0
module load samtools
module load bowtie2/2.3
export PATH=$PATH:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/jellyfish-2.2.10/bin/:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/salmon-latest_linux_x86_64/bin/

/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.8.5/Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 768G --left SRR1646513_1.fastq,SRR1648119_1.fastq --right SRR1646513_2.fastq,SRR1648119_2.fastq --CPU 32 --output trinity2.8_output

Trinity failed with error that numpy couldn't be imported

In [ ]:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.8.5/Analysis/SuperTranscripts/Trinity_gene_splice_modeler.py", line 11, in <module>
    import numpy
ImportError: No module named numpy

Trying to add numpy (and dependecies cuda and python) to SLURM script

In [ ]:
#### Trying to add numpy (and dependecies cuda and python) to SLURM script
#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -o Trinity2.8_combined.txt
#SBATCH -n 32
#SBATCH -p himem
#SBATCH --mail-user=pscha005@odu.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=Trinity2.8_Combined

module load java/12.0
module load samtools
module load bowtie2/2.3
module load cuda/7.5
module load python/2.7
module load numpy/1.16
export PATH=$PATH:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/jellyfish-2.2.10/bin/:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/salmon-latest_linux_x86_64/bin/

/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.8.5/Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 768G --left SRR1646513_1.fastq,SRR1648119_1.fastq --right SRR1646513_2.fastq,SRR1648119_2.fastq --CPU 32 --output trinity2.8_output

Trinity still fails with

jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by jellyfish) jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionCXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by jellyfish) jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by jellyfish) jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionGLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by jellyfish) jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.19' not found (required by jellyfish) jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: versionGLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /home/pscha005/lib/libjellyfish-2.0.so.2) jellyfish: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by /home/pscha005/lib/libjellyfish-2.0.so.2) Use of uninitialized value $version in pattern match (m//) at /scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.8.5/Trinity line 3827.

Error, need jellyfish v2, instead found ; Get it here: http://www.genome.umd.edu/jellyfish.html at /scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.8.5/Trinity line 3828.

Issue was GCC missing, added module load to script

In [ ]:
#### Issue was GCC missing, added module load to script

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -o Trinity2.8_combined.txt
#SBATCH -n 32
#SBATCH -p himem
#SBATCH --mail-user=pscha005@odu.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=Trinity2.8_Combined

module load gcc
module load java/12.0
module load samtools
module load bowtie2/2.3
module load cuda/7.5
module load python/2.7
module load numpy/1.16
export PATH=$PATH:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/jellyfish-2.2.10/bin/:/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/salmon-latest_linux_x86_64/bin/

/scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.8.5/Trinity --seqType fq --max_memory 768G --left SRR1646513_1.fastq,SRR1648119_1.fastq --right SRR1646513_2.fastq,SRR1648119_2.fastq --CPU 32 --output trinity2.8_output

Combine transcripts from all 4 Isoetes transcriptomes:

Isoetes echinospora from Sandy Hetherington
Isoetes tegetiformans from 1KP Project
Isoetes sp. from 1KP Project
Isoetes sinensis from Yang and Liu(2015)

Transcript file at local:~/Desktop/Isoetes_sandbox/Isoetes_transcriptomes_2.fasta

Create BLAST database of all transcripts in local:~/Desktop/Isoetes_sandbox/ncbi*/

makeblastdb -in ../Isoetes_transcriptomes_2.fasta -dbtype nucl

Create text file with list of all probe sequence files.

head Reference_File_List.txt L1.fa L10.fa L100.fa L101.fa L102.fa L103.fa L104.fa L105.fa L106.fa L107.fa

Probe files (from GoFlag data in "refs" folder) should be structured:

head L1.fa


With all transcripts in single FASTA file, run ~/python/scripts/makeTargetFile.py 1 2 3 , where:

1. Path to BLAST db
2. Txt file with list of all probe sequence files
3. FASTA file with all transcript seqs (same one used to make BLAST db)

makeTargetFile.py will:

1. Extract references for just Isoetes, just Lycophytes, and all taxa from GoFlag loci files. Output is:
2. BLAST each reference file against transcriptome db. Output is:
3. Parse BLAST output and extract the transcript hits. Output is:
4. Remove all duplicate trancripts. Output is:

After running (takes long time), same number of transcripts found using Isoetes and Lycophyte refs, slightly more with All refs. Suggests that paralogy should not be huge issue.

grep -c ">" Unique All_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta:3418 Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta:3385 Lycophytes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta:3385

While not the best input for HybPiper (requests exact full length CDS), this should be close enough for it to find targets and identify exon/intron boundaries in probe region.

Run HybPiper

HybPiper is run from /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/ with command:

reads_first.py -r Forward_Reads.fq ReverseReads.fq -b Target_File.fasta --prefix SampleID --bwa

BWA flag necessary for DNA seqs

Example command line:

In [ ]:
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/RAPiD-Genomics_F065_UFG_393202_P020_WA10_i5-514_i7-54_S2005_L007_R1_001_val_1.fq ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/RAPiD-Genomics_F065_UFG_393202_P020_WA10_i5-514_i7-54_S2005_L007_R2_001_val_2.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --bwa --prefix I_engelmannii_WA10
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/RAPiD-Genomics_F065_UFG_393202_P020_WA11_i5-514_i7-25_S2006_L007_R1_001_val_1.fq ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/RAPiD-Genomics_F065_UFG_393202_P020_WA11_i5-514_i7-25_S2006_L007_R2_001_val_2.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_boomii_WA11 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WA12*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_butleri_WA12 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WB10*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_georgiana_WB10 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WB11*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_mattaponica_WB11 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WB12*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_lithophila_WB12 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WC10*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_appalachiana_WC10 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WC11*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_valida_WC11 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WC12*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_louisianensis_WC12 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WD10*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_microvela_WD10 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WD11*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_flaccida_WD11 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WD12*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_boliviensis_WD12 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WE10*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_septentrionalis_WE10 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WE11*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_flaccida_WE11 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WE12*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_tuckermanii_WE12 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WF10*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_virginica_WF10 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WF11*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_piedmontana_WF11 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WF12*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_storkii_WF12 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WG10*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_hyemalis_WG10 --bwa
/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/reads_first.py -r ../Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/*WG11*.fq -b ./Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_melanopoda_WG11 --bwa

Don't forget to clean up directories periodically, they take up a lot of space! Run:

In [ ]:
for i in I_*; do cleanup.py $i; done

After all samples processed through HyPiper, extract sequence lengths:

In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/get_seq_lengths.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta namelist.txt dna > sequence_lengths.txt # must be called with "python get_seq_lengths.py ..." due to preserve correct sys.argv order
In [ ]:
head sequence_lengths.txt
Species	L78	L79	L72	L73	L70	L71	L76	L77	L74	L75	L321	L320	L323	L289	L325	L324	L327	L326	L329	L283	L280	L281	L286	L284	L285	L354	L355	L356	L357	L219	L218	L352	L353	L215	L214	L217	L358	L359	L213	L212	L422	L423	L420	L421	L426	L427	L425	L428	L429	L322	L130	L282	L132	L133	L134	L135	L136	L137	L138	L139	L328	L43	L42	L41	L40	L47	L46	L45	L44	L49	L48	L251	L250	L253	L252	L255	L254	L257	L256	L259	L258	L318	L319	L310	L311	L312	L315	L316	L317	L36	L37	L34	L35	L32	L33	L30	L31	L38	L39	L224	L225	L226	L227	L220	L221	L222	L223	L228	L229	L266	L6	L7	L4	L5	L2	L3	L1	L8	L9	L169	L168	L167	L166	L165	L164	L163	L162	L161	L160	L295	L294	L297	L296	L291	L290	L293	L292	L299	L298	L350	L348	L351	L211	L210	L347	L269	L345	L344	L343	L342	L341	L260	L261	L262	L263	L264	L265	L349	L267	L439	L435	L434	L437	L436	L431	L430	L433	L432	L123	L122	L121	L120	L127	L126	L125	L124	L129	L128	L196	L197	L194	L195	L192	L193	L190	L191	L198	L199	L390	L391	L392	L394	L395	L396	L397	L398	L399	L453	L452	L50	L51	L52	L53	L54	L55	L56	L57	L58	L59	L309	L308	L303	L302	L301	L300	L307	L306	L305	L304	L237	L236	L235	L234	L232	L231	L230	L239	L238	L404	L405	L406	L407	L400	L401	L402	L403	L408	L409	L158	L159	L152	L153	L150	L151	L156	L157	L154	L155	L18	L19	L14	L15	L16	L17	L10	L11	L12	L87	L86	L85	L84	L83	L82	L81	L80	L89	L88	L372	L373	L370	L278	L376	L377	L374	L375	L273	L272	L378	L270	L277	L276	L275	L274	L448	L449	L440	L441	L442	L443	L444	L445	L446	L447	L118	L119	L116	L117	L114	L115	L112	L113	L279	L371	L181	L180	L183	L182	L185	L184	L187	L186	L189	L188	L271	L383	L382	L381	L380	L387	L386	L385	L384	L389	L388	L65	L64	L67	L66	L61	L60	L63	L62	L69	L68	L336	L337	L334	L335	L332	L333	L330	L331	L338	L339	L202	L203	L200	L201	L206	L207	L204	L205	L209	L417	L416	L415	L414	L413	L412	L411	L410	L419	L418	L145	L144	L147	L146	L141	L143	L142	L149	L148	L94	L95	L96	L97	L90	L91	L92	L93	L98	L99	L246	L247	L244	L245	L242	L243	L240	L248	L249	L369	L368	L365	L364	L367	L366	L361	L360	L363	L362	L21	L20	L23	L22	L25	L24	L27	L26	L29	L28	L451	L450	L109	L108	L101	L100	L103	L102	L105	L107	L106	L379	L178	L179	L174	L175	L176	L177	L170	L171	L172	L173	L268	L346
MeanLength	2832	2865	1202	926	1161	878	1381	1381	1009	1175	1586	1088	1873	1526	982	1775	693	752	1717	1976	738	3678	1598	1951	1480	1160	1097	4205	1823	1504	2368	2476	2731	2573	2573	2022	2128	2378	2573	2589	1013	419	1607	1704	1134	2613	943	1138	1028	1624	1191	2304	1377	1269	993	1280	1288	1794	1620	1799	1268	2700	2340	2129	2625	2380	2599	2230	1886	1163	1379	1647	1289	2180	1673	1767	2180	1909	1761	2333	2333	1780	1780	1846	1846	1493	3174	3174	3174	1561	886	754	1188	1794	842	1630	1840	1262	1311	963	1385	1317	1229	1825	2045	2045	963	591	2257	1691	2622	1490	2427	2622	2439	2431	1492	1692	1230	522	1793	1280	1757	674	1603	1792	1985	1985	1087	1249	1804	910	1401	1658	1716	1449	1140	877	1016	761	1524	1007	2589	2389	1353	1156	1011	733	815	963	909	2264	1164	987	1826	1771	1771	1822	1742	3019	1676	1110	1358	1722	926	456	1227	1281	1350	699	687	868	1189	612	769	1302	1202	880	1833	2235	1799	3101	1193	730	1782	1203	998	1423	1325	1857	1669	648	597	839	420	983	1166	1789	1460	1016	1198	1238	1859	792	944	1097	1770	1723	1309	1337	1590	1448	1644	1201	671	1370	1525	1465	1980	799	873	703	1570	1114	1525	1422	827	827	1049	1295	1293	1558	957	848	907	939	1326	1587	1832	1039	1390	1134	1189	1390	1414	1801	1307	1446	1849	1258	2053	1046	1180	1443	1310	1058	1595	1022	1492	907	1457	1710	1248	1123	1097	2703	1110	1073	1262	1396	1143	1335	1469	1445	1768	706	762	1194	1236	803	1232	1176	1964	1704	1704	1710	913	1088	863	797	859	809	923	821	865	3732	1063	1451	1535	1412	1450	711	934	1776	2214	1912	1982	1926	1774	995	1416	1782	1687	1477	742	836	924	1005	1654	1245	925	1150	1530	1361	1685	1834	1185	1220	1449	1663	1654	2082	891	1597	1410	1059	1412	1409	999	1020	1509	1509	1600	1055	2443	2466	2036	1235	1088	544	2331	1157	3076	2736	2736	883	1140	1282	1254	1089	1549	1590	1889	3369	1628	3513	3513	3722	1675	1926	1189	1739	2190	1867	781	1752	3218	2962	2962	1880	1542	1014	2675	2949	1318	1250	2026	1348	1391	1198	1468	2105	1837	920	1587	721	1215	1677	667	1585	1189	1418	1257	1485	1072	990	2058	1239	1262	1630	1041	1123	1946	1949	1797	1881	1678	1556	1642	969	2012	1640	1245	2042	2289	1780	2736	2736	2035	1588	1554	1432	1653	1532	1308
I_engelmannii_WA10	1224	0	792	303	465	393	1392	1392	486	822	609	519	954	594	837	843	537	378	909	336	759	240	447	1146	414	594	561	414	309	957	600	2688	2724	684	681	870	1371	792	684	870	693	207	303	357	393	0	351	708	708	825	516	1155	837	414	0	606	0	1737	1722	1722	849	1293	876	876	1947	435	798	351	165	399	678	1113	765	1221	1119	765	1236	885	603	888	597	789	747	1323	1341	189	945	945	945	1074	735	321	1293	1278	336	912	1299	906	72	333	543	651	414	501	543	960	264	429	1062	1266	564	1197	438	693	522	597	528	1698	1035	297	1014	345	858	363	687	555	801	948	381	372	561	444	474	573	252	426	573	645	228	708	501	339	870	825	909	321	876	876	162	759	423	1035	450	375	792	612	702	306	831	876	981	468	723	1050	582	453	855	729	261	624	624	390	738	417	384	516	912	0	720	834	516	0	0	441	786	147	510	279	480	249	525	537	813	369	477	366	0	342	723	417	447	345	1188	831	453	261	387	372	1173	117	381	0	324	855	948	333	663	633	723	711	438	1779	1005	465	699	621	234	360	534	906	903	534	93	261	276	1158	915	540	1170	807	591	807	330	630	279	237	825	906	408	870	561	294	1452	714	456	726	525	411	762	1035	0	534	552	2769	0	855	726	549	1086	135	606	612	711	240	318	0	294	1095	579	705	453	822	981	405	642	1035	471	0	0	0	939	345	180	465	843	363	618	195	189	819	0	813	312	720	405	783	1302	318	459	951	378	936	573	291	459	666	1383	528	1065	1059	1104	369	300	411	531	1035	540	759	354	1260	474	819	576	714	546	375	399	987	393	393	573	291	1638	1719	600	858	0	231	2142	0	540	1701	1692	333	612	738	1263	609	318	780	411	750	750	1458	1395	981	750	750	780	375	612	504	0	345	2847	2802	2721	669	1119	402	462	687	651	540	0	702	1188	807	297	624	477	627	0	339	441	0	0	432	633	258	0	456	852	270	909	804	540	0	672	1038	1365	351	486	594	255	414	1698	1293	660	0	777	288	774	768	1290	717	540	579	735	921	993
I_boomii_WA11	1005	0	792	303	465	393	1143	1392	1392	384	675	693	732	675	786	738	606	378	966	327	828	282	459	531	498	438	480	507	396	501	1200	2121	2277	1122	756	852	588	852	756	837	375	189	294	279	393	0	375	198	837	939	417	573	345	414	0	534	1677	1746	1491	1704	909	1485	2184	753	1476	525	1473	1512	165	399	717	975	537	1041	975	720	975	1122	495	1077	1023	657	960	1431	1158	189	957	876	957	1299	570	354	798	1026	336	789	1119	771	819	372	468	651	129	501	1011	1065	351	339	954	1350	594	1161	744	537	516	576	588	1206	1227	159	1308	345	612	426	579	558	825	888	897	369	549	789	534	519	252	429	579	1161	345	591	480	375	873	861	906	321	150	873	162	162	0	1056	357	372	708	480	585	165	870	810	831	555	549	1098	522	270	936	729	258	333	333	390	1026	417	384	516	657	0	888	705	504	0	132	633	366	150	510	204	480	444	468	525	813	588	477	537	0	0	342	954	420	363	348	717	552	456	345	375	372	1065	90	471	0	324	858	1134	333	351	330	639	804	429	351	414	465	345	708	441	300	534	894	933	630	234	360	276	981	912	210	1311	1272	702	849	324	630	408	330	954	939	594	870	870	237	705	690	492	621	507	738	867	1032	0	954	564	2790	0	795	864	531	456	399	534	666	717	240	318	0	0	327	732	456	561	891	648	354	759	609	240	0	0	0	987	345	180	285	492	363	585	0	513	822	0	399	312	546	726	510	552	318	501	831	348	1806	573	261	453	552	1212	489	885	885	1062	369	366	411	483	447	462	630	354	408	564	651	714	483	546	372	411	966	393	528	663	441	1848	1509	357	903	0	435	225	0	873	1266	1446	327	552	249	1056	453	405	816	303	708	372	996	1296	1158	834	531	678	135	369	501	0	345	2475	2826	2544	681	891	387	621	699	651	486	873	612	936	735	228	840	489	759	0	900	438	0	0	414	573	159	1548	495	855	291	504	786	615	0	759	1827	1572	186	0	594	246	357	1023	3366	441	0	1281	357	735	843	792	663	540	591	708	267	930
I_butleri_WA12	1365	0	684	303	465	1134	1323	1323	1389	507	186	1167	615	717	282	114	480	339	816	330	600	138	444	576	378	486	558	549	504	1095	1041	2013	2007	693	1014	1398	789	789	681	1200	597	255	303	279	516	0	375	438	825	699	456	1416	867	414	0	549	1635	1536	1575	1635	837	1224	873	1899	1926	603	1461	351	351	399	636	1029	333	939	1032	555	1044	1137	510	1041	1086	894	726	1437	1449	522	879	870	879	1107	441	321	1266	1512	714	660	1122	1032	708	321	543	636	210	504	972	927	267	429	864	354	666	1143	0	723	612	624	588	1179	1005	225	1107	345	819	693	429	606	876	780	375	486	735	0	573	315	252	477	543	951	579	576	426	375	870	993	879	657	243	864	846	885	426	1110	357	372	864	489	831	330	801	843	846	405	708	1365	549	387	747	729	258	705	333	384	261	351	384	516	891	0	771	747	513	0	132	612	1428	204	489	603	480	447	825	531	807	477	477	393	0	0	342	924	384	363	399	1053	585	588	345	396	372	1083	90	486	0	324	1212	273	366	435	957	723	714	444	351	1095	468	345	345	234	357	363	1326	1236	534	93	840	276	1836	1008	414	1395	1170	675	1008	330	675	435	210	747	897	537	873	873	300	714	534	492	777	531	765	930	1164	0	900	636	2547	0	531	798	729	1041	612	597	588	717	240	315	0	300	717	525	393	462	876	822	360	501	930	705	0	0	0	1296	360	180	285	873	354	606	195	189	801	0	462	312	738	399	852	774	300	408	1458	558	705	576	291	744	645	1269	585	699	1119	1395	366	342	1200	540	447	594	438	354	1125	621	888	546	597	546	351	345	990	564	564	411	441	594	1791	510	873	0	435	1143	0	852	1524	1602	588	606	483	1047	780	402	801	711	594	594	1497	1227	873	618	774	630	135	513	504	0	345	2667	2709	2427	711	963	408	978	693	651	534	879	990	948	732	228	723	486	666	0	939	498	0	0	396	507	258	1227	357	909	309	543	789	687	0	672	2010	1830	402	546	363	507	336	1905	2391	441	1206	663	636	711	711	1278	672	543	498	681	585	987
I_georgiana_WB10	972	0	588	537	465	393	1257	1377	1356	375	513	582	192	510	219	462	510	393	783	336	621	0	462	1182	399	108	528	0	306	501	330	2079	2079	0	366	0	981	585	267	354	381	207	303	279	468	0	534	186	828	744	405	543	564	216	0	579	1269	1473	1434	1143	681	1347	876	630	1311	465	1170	351	165	399	720	990	660	801	891	525	780	732	519	204	927	99	441	1227	1107	189	945	945	876	978	498	330	1095	960	336	564	1089	774	741	240	354	486	447	501	684	912	267	243	849	1314	516	912	480	585	516	495	570	1182	750	252	1074	342	501	354	621	411	657	624	210	372	396	0	441	534	252	510	519	855	228	567	447	117	483	0	861	333	882	843	708	759	261	930	288	351	615	423	459	246	837	0	795	360	699	1242	522	276	522	564	258	480	630	453	300	411	384	516	570	0	834	516	522	0	0	432	501	147	387	462	480	399	564	537	813	459	477	537	0	342	705	420	492	345	783	753	453	345	456	369	342	117	378	0	324	741	948	333	435	612	882	507	438	1785	498	405	345	699	234	0	294	1026	819	441	0	204	276	1029	870	423	891	807	465	807	330	456	279	330	609	666	528	798	867	225	393	660	591	603	582	567	507	864	0	606	729	2226	0	843	747	531	456	135	606	630	408	240	285	0	285	321	585	498	300	552	621	405	360	264	570	0	0	0	1017	342	180	285	789	459	426	0	189	735	0	399	312	657	618	303	528	318	408	555	228	1608	900	291	453	540	411	483	636	1131	1293	369	0	231	483	504	381	234	354	600	366	651	390	417	546	375	351	669	273	522	501	294	657	819	453	495	0	435	813	0	483	780	825	516	441	249	1158	582	354	750	777	645	453	1269	1401	927	333	210	387	135	420	0	0	345	2445	2589	2121	711	972	387	537	699	651	381	756	672	1398	882	228	711	480	708	0	339	360	0	0	414	561	192	972	366	948	102	282	657	423	0	657	651	654	273	219	594	192	336	1668	2034	441	777	690	438	534	777	1125	453	540	498	546	318	786
I_mattaponica_WB11	1065	1212	657	375	465	393	1392	1383	1392	408	744	636	894	522	327	417	516	378	840	225	759	294	432	780	498	381	480	111	357	456	330	2130	2130	612	405	1110	852	852	759	465	528	168	300	354	240	0	375	408	750	870	591	369	792	372	0	531	1398	1590	1506	1680	849	1428	1764	870	1359	600	1299	1521	1494	399	717	909	522	975	1023	648	969	630	519	942	960	804	849	1152	1077	189	939	957	939	1206	738	651	996	1419	336	654	1116	954	657	333	462	486	345	1053	948	1104	267	243	876	1410	396	1083	489	510	0	585	621	1491	1236	219	1008	345	834	423	429	561	804	756	333	375	504	0	0	459	252	402	513	492	330	732	417	324	483	363	867	321	876	876	162	852	0	1107	291	375	810	534	837	249	825	786	687	480	702	783	168	282	618	621	267	330	333	549	483	432	384	105	588	0	873	723	516	0	0	438	813	0	387	795	480	444	351	537	810	510	468	378	0	336	918	372	447	213	906	693	456	345	279	366	783	90	441	0	318	645	1032	333	357	426	816	495	438	348	507	384	345	696	441	300	429	759	1005	495	234	717	276	1005	1020	483	795	1056	441	795	330	582	279	210	798	873	408	558	870	0	462	720	714	654	534	552	528	1041	0	597	930	2445	0	492	810	531	834	636	471	900	447	240	306	0	0	327	0	453	381	897	1008	330	945	561	240	0	0	0	858	345	180	285	447	363	489	189	189	795	0	816	312	552	690	846	552	318	405	915	0	1971	1041	288	453	444	1065	687	810	900	1269	363	417	1212	483	690	591	420	354	564	576	867	726	540	276	333	660	813	483	618	582	348	1326	1776	489	858	0	435	1248	0	483	1212	1272	267	495	417	1071	672	399	699	687	759	570	1305	1395	990	708	789	657	228	423	0	0	711	2577	2652	2718	732	1236	408	666	699	651	624	906	741	936	840	228	375	447	690	0	900	441	0	0	414	573	156	891	297	723	213	852	765	753	0	840	1464	930	258	0	675	498	402	1941	1722	441	0	618	252	717	777	690	705	537	351	564	216	957
I_lithophila_WB12	1152	0	546	303	450	918	1404	1188	1308	594	969	639	945	609	282	930	564	378	708	336	723	150	465	1788	498	468	420	0	354	501	735	2028	2037	0	0	363	1545	1362	315	519	564	168	300	342	486	0	450	411	645	627	333	228	516	408	0	576	1479	1572	1428	1686	801	1359	1119	579	1440	0	1266	1437	165	399	720	915	555	1185	771	858	1035	414	543	264	702	810	810	690	348	189	876	930	930	876	813	324	1329	1053	351	657	1053	927	735	336	543	654	210	501	831	1026	267	339	897	1212	516	1089	624	288	489	594	519	1404	696	0	0	345	315	351	426	471	768	654	198	372	642	114	216	399	252	501	543	597	279	573	381	375	0	0	906	321	228	876	759	732	345	1764	288	375	630	624	456	309	858	966	918	606	702	1188	465	225	645	597	261	468	636	390	447	420	384	447	789	0	771	549	507	0	147	591	954	147	387	774	393	447	816	339	807	474	477	399	0	342	726	417	315	339	891	669	459	333	342	312	942	81	489	0	321	744	837	321	306	828	723	855	435	1740	909	447	345	345	234	144	468	900	885	534	0	435	276	1098	705	414	795	873	846	858	330	615	336	330	795	915	333	504	873	321	699	882	372	792	486	561	609	1014	0	783	945	2544	0	762	849	606	456	579	480	960	714	240	312	0	285	324	612	429	255	789	747	0	768	978	672	0	0	0	1050	312	180	285	549	456	552	0	558	852	0	579	312	735	690	897	630	0	501	909	165	1749	780	291	450	477	1278	510	687	1806	1305	369	96	714	486	948	531	435	354	0	357	807	576	480	546	372	402	846	375	393	591	345	738	1110	435	657	0	435	972	0	0	1002	1041	249	483	351	744	618	336	813	591	795	627	1338	1482	1185	876	402	639	324	417	504	0	345	2370	2712	2586	771	1278	375	708	696	651	363	807	813	1494	765	228	690	303	666	0	1002	438	0	0	417	570	258	1134	387	852	189	870	645	654	0	708	1392	1284	186	579	699	192	336	1332	870	441	168	1473	576	627	696	1269	831	540	528	354	519	324
I_appalachiana_WC10	1236	0	684	303	465	393	1398	1374	1383	1221	597	516	693	594	786	534	549	363	873	315	771	345	444	1989	486	483	759	600	303	687	1200	1431	2145	1791	1389	1533	792	1476	1791	1437	660	168	303	357	357	0	375	432	714	747	342	864	642	414	0	606	1722	1647	1722	1533	777	1758	2145	2136	2340	600	1746	351	1734	399	720	897	600	1221	948	657	792	915	552	1077	981	810	1005	1209	1344	189	945	945	876	1296	567	663	975	1053	336	765	1053	753	735	288	633	540	213	501	996	1188	234	243	702	1311	987	837	507	915	1008	648	699	1254	1311	300	1002	345	1362	489	429	663	840	780	978	375	438	315	690	459	252	432	468	795	474	573	336	360	1671	1512	744	321	216	936	162	162	423	1071	348	375	678	504	513	198	801	855	831	363	696	1029	522	444	1080	645	264	627	564	450	759	429	384	606	906	0	744	576	516	0	192	618	1212	213	387	282	393	387	465	537	813	531	477	402	0	342	780	417	363	279	882	672	453	258	129	372	897	117	489	0	321	861	948	333	300	723	741	705	438	345	696	444	345	621	234	360	378	948	1014	396	222	627	276	1311	843	423	1278	1170	375	1212	330	615	315	0	174	828	519	522	870	342	630	729	393	486	534	567	726	1032	0	543	633	2754	0	936	834	555	840	615	492	390	573	240	318	0	579	321	507	501	372	900	900	210	474	687	744	0	0	0	1017	345	177	285	615	1014	471	192	465	840	0	609	312	735	666	993	789	318	486	1098	348	2196	573	291	420	450	1245	450	1116	633	1209	366	300	411	483	297	537	699	354	1665	579	786	705	447	552	375	402	957	453	453	609	294	1689	1770	465	540	0	435	1548	0	1728	1440	1425	333	483	249	1341	570	417	708	750	708	477	1452	1473	1020	876	648	849	135	531	477	0	345	2481	120	2760	651	1779	396	669	702	630	381	939	792	1068	606	228	768	471	600	0	930	486	0	0	417	636	198	1206	168	1089	273	801	732	585	0	774	1122	1365	489	501	591	414	339	1395	1506	441	0	1434	417	675	774	1326	858	540	471	729	702	885
I_valida_WC11	1371	1095	804	303	465	948	1398	1398	1398	714	513	645	570	702	741	831	618	378	1008	336	768	459	462	2106	495	486	786	468	477	1203	1353	2007	2055	756	1434	1200	822	1419	1611	870	570	228	303	357	0	0	363	384	837	903	498	1188	867	414	0	531	1677	1677	1584	1704	885	1779	876	2040	2370	600	1296	351	165	399	1548	1152	597	1050	1215	930	1188	972	603	972	1134	1155	546	1482	1503	189	876	876	876	1272	645	618	975	1167	336	801	1260	1326	912	333	546	474	213	504	1029	930	234	393	1083	1452	987	1074	156	969	1080	537	660	1248	1341	369	759	345	879	477	972	852	819	747	876	372	627	0	609	618	252	510	444	870	384	732	468	360	870	840	990	321	216	1002	873	903	384	1194	402	375	807	591	894	279	912	912	990	513	693	1119	597	435	678	732	261	333	642	513	807	444	450	1173	768	0	780	546	516	0	228	636	1443	228	369	858	480	447	651	534	813	486	477	423	0	0	342	903	417	363	339	1122	732	459	321	396	372	1113	309	489	0	324	852	1137	333	459	783	906	816	438	345	1074	468	345	345	234	360	462	741	516	597	276	873	267	1467	807	372	1278	1278	909	1278	330	630	405	210	891	969	600	867	867	264	699	957	492	498	567	552	822	1110	0	1020	654	2577	0	1020	753	678	456	531	612	516	447	240	318	0	747	324	0	519	336	933	915	210	591	825	852	0	0	0	954	345	180	285	855	360	657	192	189	852	0	729	312	738	396	705	726	315	501	1941	348	984	573	291	732	678	1440	690	855	984	1356	369	291	411	828	816	471	828	354	1581	684	798	753	627	375	375	402	918	621	501	609	441	1989	2088	417	813	0	435	1947	0	870	1680	1599	249	618	249	1365	636	405	816	528	792	477	1431	1389	990	876	687	801	135	576	504	0	345	2673	54	2589	705	699	408	924	699	648	381	867	957	957	798	228	975	246	741	0	951	429	0	0	417	498	258	1341	216	1140	252	603	720	552	0	756	1467	1665	141	864	381	711	414	1464	2211	441	0	1494	690	735	735	1317	795	540	480	750	636	957

Generate statistics

In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/hybpiper_stats.py sequence_lengths.txt namelist.txt > statistics.txt
In [ ]:
less statistics.txt
Name    NumReads        ReadsMapped     PctOnTarget     GenesMapped     GenesWithContigs        GenesWithSeqs   GenesAt25pct    GenesAt50pct    GenesAt75pct    Genesat150pct   ParalogWarnings
I_melanopoda_WG11       902316  451481  0.500   422     415     409     356     181     79      1       20
I_microvela_WD10        1213694 607293  0.500   426     414     408     353     195     91      2       24
I_septentrionalis_WE10  812661  406427  0.500   422     413     408     352     166     80      1       24
I_appalachiana_WC10     1417393 708861  0.500   425     414     408     346     161     69      0       24
I_storkii_WF12  649777  325088  0.500   421     410     400     324     143     58      1       8
I_lithophila_WB12       790980  395595  0.500   424     405     396     321     142     54      2       8
I_engelmannii_WA10      406510  203355  0.500   421     409     406     341     161     62      1       11
I_junciformis_WH10      656061  328141  0.500   420     414     405     329     137     65      2       14
I_butleri_WA12  696404  348321  0.500   422     414     408     351     155     79      0       14
I_boliviensis_WD12      914794  457685  0.500   424     414     406     324     127     44      2       11
I_boomii_WA11   532021  266105  0.500   420     413     405     339     141     61      1       5
I_melanopoda_WH11       923495  462018  0.500   421     414     408     358     183     83      1       12
I_flaccida_WD11 534957  267729  0.500   420     413     409     352     181     86      2       15
I_flaccida_WE11 1396498 698613  0.500   426     416     406     360     199     92      1       15
I_valida_WC11   985647  493162  0.500   422     413     408     350     183     86      0       11
I_virginica_WF10        627113  313586  0.500   424     412     408     343     155     61      3       24
I_hyemalis_WG10 1009503 504953  0.500   423     414     407     356     185     81      2       17
I_georgiana_WB10        744855  372386  0.500   422     410     398     300     114     45      1       9
I_louisianensis_WC12    493236  246779  0.500   418     413     404     317     126     50      1       14
I_piedmontana_WF11      827266  413804  0.500   420     415     408     356     185     73      2       19
I_mattaponica_WB11      620550  310353  0.500   424     411     400     330     139     57      0       10
I_tuckermanii_WE12      1585951 793293  0.500   427     415     408     360     209     107     3       15

Identify potential intron/non-coding sequences

In [ ]:
for i in I_*; do python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/intronerate.py --prefix $i; done

Extract exons, introns, potential paralogs from data -- LOCAL


In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . dna
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . intron
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . supercontig
while read i; do python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/paralog_investigator.py $i; done < namelist.txt 
while read i; do python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/paralog_retriever.py namelist.txt $i > $i.paralogs.fasta; done < all_loci.txt

Align, trim, and run RAxML for markers -- LOCAL

In [ ]:
for i in *.paralogs.fasta; do mafft --auto $i > MAFFT.$i; done
for i in MAFFT*.paralogs.fasta; do /Applications/Phylogenetics/trimAl/source/trimal -automated1 -in $i -out TRIM.$i; done
for i in TRIM*.paralogs.fasta; do raxmlHPC -s $i -n $i -m GTRGAMMA -f a -x 1 -N 100 -d -p 3556; done

Different trimming parameters and names -- LOCAL

In [ ]:
/Applications/Phylogenetics/trimAl/source/trimal -in $i -out AUTO.TRIM.$i -automated1
In [ ]:
/Applications/Phylogenetics/trimAl/source/trimal -in $i -out STRICT.TRIM.$i -strict
In [ ]:
/Applications/Phylogenetics/trimAl/source/trimal -in $i -out SUPERSTRICT.TRIM.$i -gt 0.8 -st 0.01 -resoverlap 0.9 -seqoverlap 80

Command for batch aligning, trimming, tree-building with just loci with certain number of seqs -- HPC

In [ ]:
for i in FILES; do num=$(grep -c ">" $i); if [ $num = 22 ] ; then COMMAND; fi; done

Here is an example SLURM script for running IQ-TREE

In [ ]:
#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH --mail-user=pscha005@odu.edu
#SBATCH --mail-type=END
#SBATCH --job-name=IQTREE

for i in SUPER*.FNA ; do num=$(grep -c ">" $i ) ; if [ $num = 22 ] ; then /scratch-lustre/pscha005/scripts/iqtree-1.6.11-Linux/bin/iqtree -s $i -m MFP -bb 5000 -alrt 5000 -nm 5000 ; fi ; done

For introns, no loci have 100% data, so filtering to loci with >50% and > 75% of taxa.

2. Phyluce Allele Phasing

2.1 Phyluce-based approach. First assemble Phyluce contigs for use as reference in step 2.2.

Working Directory: /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/

In [ ]:
phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts --locus-db ./noSinensisRef/target_loci/probe.matches.sqlite --taxon-list-config polyploids.txt --taxon-group 'polyploids' --incomplete-matrix --output ./polyploids/polyploids-incomplete.conf
In [ ]:
phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts --contigs ./noSinensisRef/assembly/contigs/ --locus-db ./noSinensisRef/target_loci/probe.matches.sqlite --match-count-output ./polyploids/polyploids-incomplete.conf --output ./polyploids/polyploids.incomplete.fasta --incomplete-matrix polyploids-incomplete.incomplete --log-path ./polyploids/
In [ ]:
phyluce_align_seqcap_align --fasta ./polyploids/polyploids.incomplete.fasta --output ./polyploids/mafft-incomplete/ --taxa 11 --incomplete-matrix --output-format fasta --log-path ./polyploids/
In [ ]:
phyluce_align_seqcap_align --fasta ./polyploids/polyploids.incomplete.fasta --output ./polyploids/mafft-incomplete-internal-trimmed/ --taxa 11 --log-path ./polyploids/ --output-format fasta --no-trim --incomplete-matrix
In [ ]:
phyluce_align_get_gblocks_trimmed_alignments_from_untrimmed --alignments ./polyploids/mafft-incomplete-internal-trimmed/ --output ./polyploids/mafft-incomplete-internal-trimmed-gblocks/ --output-format fasta --log ./polyploids/
In [ ]:
phyluce_align_remove_locus_name_from_nexus_lines --alignments ./polyploids/mafft-incomplete-internal-trimmed-gblocks/ --output ./polyploids/mafft-incomplete-internal-trimmed-gblocks-cleaned/ --output-format fasta --log-path ./polyploids/
In [ ]:
for i in Isoetes_* ; do spades.py -1 $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/*READ1* -2 $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/*READ2* --careful -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/ ; done

for i in Isoetes_* ; do cp $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades_filtered/scaffolds.fasta $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ ; bwa index $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/scaffolds.fasta ; bwa mem $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/scaffolds.fasta $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/*R1* $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/*R2* > $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/$i.sam ; samtools view -S -b $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/$i.sam > $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/$i.bam ; samtools sort $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/$i.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/$i.sorted ; samtools phase -AF -b $i $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/$i.sorted.bam ; done

2.2 Phase polyploids using samtools, reinput phased files into Phyluce to build target loci

In [ ]:
### BWA
### Loops through all sample directories, build BWA index from SPAdes contigs, build SAM alignment of samples fastq reads against contigs
for i in Isoetes_* ; do bwa index $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/contigs.fasta ; bwa mem $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/contigs.fasta $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/*READ1* $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/*READ2* > $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.sam; done

### Convert SAM to BAM files
for i in Isoetes_* ; do samtools view -bS $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.sam > $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.bam ; done

### Sort BAM files prior to phaseing
for i in Isoetes_* ; do samtools sort -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.sorted.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.bam ; done

### Phase BAM files
for i in Isoetes_* ; do samtools phase -b $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.sorted.bam ; done

### Extract reads from phased BAM files
for i in Isoetes_* ; do samtools sort -n -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.bam && samtools fixmate -m $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.fixMate.bam && samtools sort -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.fixMate.bam && samtools markdup -r $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.rmDup.bam && bam2fastq $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.0.rmDup.bam -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/Phase0_READ#.fastq ; done 
for i in Isoetes_* ; do samtools sort -n -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.bam && samtools fixmate -m $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.fixMate.bam && samtools sort -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.fixMate.bam && samtools markdup -r $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.sort.bam $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.rmDup.bam && bam2fastq $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/$i.1.rmDup.bam -o $i/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/spades/Phase1_READ#.fastq ; done 
In [ ]:
samtools sort -n -o Isoetes_septentrionalis.0.sort.bam Isoetes_septentrionalis.0.bam 

samtools fixmate -m Isoetes_septentrionalis.0.sort.bam Isoetes_septentrionalis.fixMate.bam

samtools sort -o Isoetes_septentrionalis.0.sort.bam Isoetes_septentrionalis.fixMate.bam 

samtools markdup -r Isoetes_septentrionalis.0.sort.bam Isoetes_septentrionalis.rmDup.bam

bam2fastq Isoetes_septentrionalis.rmDup.bam -o Isoetes_septPhase0-R#.fastq

samtools sort -n -o sort.bam Isoetes_septentrionalis.0.bam && samtools fixmate -m sort.bam fixMate.bam && samtools sort -o sort.bam fixMate.bam && samtools markdup -r sort.bam rmDup.bam && bam2fastq rmDup.bam -o Isoetes_septPhase0-R#.fastq

2.3 Move fastqs into sample directories like before and make sample file e.g.


[samples] Isoetes_appPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_appPhase0/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ Isoetes_appPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_appPhase1/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ Isoetes_boliPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_boliPhase0/ Isoetes_boliPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_boliPhase1/ Isoetes_hyemPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_hyemPhase0/ Isoetes_hyemPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_hyemPhase1/ Isoetes_juncPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_juncPhase0/ Isoetes_juncPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_juncPhase1/ Isoetes_louiPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_louiPhase0/ Isoetes_louiPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_louiPhase1/ Isoetes_septPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_septPhase0/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ Isoetes_septPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_septPhase1/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ Isoetes_tuckPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_tuckPhase0/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ Isoetes_tuckPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_tuckPhase1/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/ Isoetes_virgPhase0:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_virgPhase0/ Isoetes_virgPhase1:/Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_virgPhase1/


[phased-dataset] Isoetes_appPhase0 Isoetes_appPhase1 Isoetes_boliPhase0 Isoetes_boliPhase1 Isoetes_hyemPhase0 Isoetes_hyemPhase1 Isoetes_juncPhase0 Isoetes_juncPhase1 Isoetes_louiPhase0 Isoetes_louiPhase1 Isoetes_septPhase0 Isoetes_septPhase1 Isoetes_tuckPhase0 Isoetes_tuckPhase1 Isoetes_virgPhase0 Isoetes_virgPhase1

In [ ]:
phyluce_assembly_assemblo_spades --config phasedSamples.txt --output ./phased-assemblies/ 

phyluce_assembly_match_contigs_to_probes --contigs ./phased-assemblies/contigs/ --probes Isoetes_GoFlag_probeset.fasta --output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/ --log-path ./phased-assemblies/

phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts --locus-db ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/probe.matches.sqlite --taxon-list-config phased-dataset.txt --taxon-group 'phased-dataset' --output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.complete.conf
phyluce_assembly_get_match_counts --locus-db ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/probe.matches.sqlite --taxon-list-config phased-dataset.txt --taxon-group 'phased-dataset' --incomplete-matrix --output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.incomplete.conf

phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts --contigs ./phased-assemblies/contigs/ --locus-db ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/probe.matches.sqlite --match-count-output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.complete.conf --output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.complete.fasta

phyluce_assembly_get_fastas_from_match_counts --contigs ./phased-assemblies/contigs/ --locus-db ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/probe.matches.sqlite --match-count-output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.incomplete.conf --incomplete-matrix ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.incomplete.taxa --output ./phased-assemblies/target_loci/phased-dataset.incomplete.fasta

2.4 Phyluce fails to align sequences for some reason, all loci are dropped. Doing workaround in python/bash

In [ ]:
for i in {1..435} ; do grep "$i" phased-dataset.complete.fasta >> completeLoci.txt; done
for i in {1..435} ; do grep "$i" phased-dataset.incomplete.fasta >> incompleteLoci.txt; done

2.4.1 Python script takes TXT file of all loci, extracts all sequences for each locus, writes TXT file with sequences for each locus.

phyluceLocusAligner.py completeLoci.txt

In [ ]:
#! /usr/bin/python

#Peter W. Schafran 2019

import sys

lociFile = sys.argv[1]
openLociFile = open(lociFile, "r")

uceList = []
uceDict = {}
for line in openLociFile:
	splitline = line.strip("\n").split("|")
		uceDict[splitline[1]] = []
for key in uceDict.keys():
	outfile = open("%s.txt" %(key), "w")
	for item in sorted(set(uceDict[key])):
		outfile.write("%s|%s\n" %(item, key))


2.4.2 Loops through each TXT file with all sequence names for each locus, gets corresponding nucleotide sequence from master sequence file

In [ ]:
for i in uce-*txt ; do getScaffoldsFromFasta.py phased-dataset.complete.fasta $i ; done # See https://peterwschafran.com/scripts.html or below for Python script

#### getScaffoldsFromFasta.py reproduced below this line ####

#! /usr/bin/python
'''Command Line:getScaffoldsFromFasta.py scaffoldFile.fasta ScaffoldID(.txt)'''
import sys

scaffoldFile = sys.argv[1]
scaffoldID = sys.argv[2]

openInFile = open(scaffoldFile, "r")
openOutFile = open("%s.fasta" %(scaffoldID), "w")

if ".txt" in scaffoldID:
	infile = open(scaffoldID, "r")
	for scaffoldName in infile:
		writeOut = 0
		for line in openInFile:
			if ">" in line and scaffoldName.strip(">\n") == line.strip(">\n"):
				print "Found scaffold %s" %(line)
				writeOut = 1
			if ">" in line and scaffoldName not in line:
				writeOut = 0
			if ">" not in line:
				if writeOut == 1:
	writeOut = 0
	for line in openInFile:
		if ">" in line and scaffoldID in line:
			print "Found scaffold %s" %(line)
			writeOut = 1
		if ">" in line and scaffoldID not in line:
			writeOut = 0
		if ">" not in line:
			if writeOut == 1:

2.5 Combine phased polyploid contigs with diploid contigs, align, and do phylogenetic inference

2.5.1 Combine diploid seqs assembled by Phyluce with phased loci seqs

In [ ]:
for i in {1..435}; do cat ../../noSinensisRef/target_loci/aligned/uce-$i.fasta uce-$i.txt.fasta > uce-$i-combined.fasta; done

2.5.2 Loops through all sequence files and aligns each locus

In [ ]:
for i in uce-*-combined.fasta ; do mafft --auto $i > MAFFT_$i ; done

2.5.3 Build gene trees for loci with less than 25% missing data (almost no loci had 100% data)

In [ ]:
for i in MAFFT_uce-*-combined.fasta ; do num=$(grep -c ">" $i ) ; if [ $num > 27 ] ; then iqtree -s $i -m MFP -bb 5000 -alrt 5000 -nm 5000 ; fi ; done

2.6 Proper placement of phased polyploids with diploids tested using allotetraploid I. appalachiana complex

2.6.1 Extract just trees with all tips of I. appalachiana complex (I. engelmannii, I. valida, I. appalachiana Phase0, I. appalachiana Phase 1)

In [ ]:
grep -h "Isoetes_engelmannii" MAFFT_uce-*-combined.fasta.treefile | grep "Isoetes_valida" | grep "Isoetes_appPhase0" | grep "Isoetes_appPhase1" > MAFFT.IQTREE.AppalachianaComplex.trees

2.6.2 Because Phyluce appends uce-number to beginning of each tip name, these need to be removed

In [ ]:
sed -E s/uce-[0-9]+_//g < MAFFT.IQTREE.AppalachianaComplex.trees > MAFFT.IQTREE.AppalachianaComplex.renamed.trees

2.6.3 For testing appropriate phylogenetic placement of phased alleles, I used allotetraploid Isoetes appalachiana (Phase0 and Phase1) compared to its diploid parents (I. engelmannii and I. valida). Using the patristic distances from the IQ-TREE individual locus trees, count phased sequences that are closest to either parent, or phased seqs that are closest to each other (potentially misassembled). Performed with R script below:

In [ ]:
appTrees <- read.tree("MAFFT.IQTREE.AppalachianaComplex.renamed.trees")

appMatrix <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 8, nrow = length(appTrees)*2)
colnames(appMatrix) <- c("eng-app0", "val-app0", "app0-app1", "val-app1", "eng-app1", "app0-app1", "App0 Min Distance", "App1 Min Distance")
j <- 1
for (i in seq(1,length(appTrees),1)) {
  appMatrix[j,1] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "Isoetes_engelmannii", "Isoetes_appPhase0")
  appMatrix[j,2] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "Isoetes_valida", "Isoetes_appPhase0")
  appMatrix[j,3] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "Isoetes_appPhase0", "Isoetes_appPhase1")
  appMatrix[j+1,4] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "Isoetes_valida", "Isoetes_appPhase1")
  appMatrix[j+1,5] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "Isoetes_engelmannii", "Isoetes_appPhase1")
  appMatrix[j+1,6] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "Isoetes_appPhase0", "Isoetes_appPhase1")
  appMatrix[j,7] <- colnames(appMatrix)[which.min(appMatrix[i,])]
  appMatrix[j+1,8] <- colnames(appMatrix)[which.min(appMatrix[i+1,])]
  j <- j + 2

phaseSums <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 5)
colnames(phaseSums) <- c("eng-app0", "val-app0", "eng-app1", "val-app1", "app0-app1")
phaseSums[1,1] <- sum(appMatrix[,7] == "eng-app0", na.rm = TRUE)
phaseSums[1,2] <- sum(appMatrix[,7] == "val-app0", na.rm = TRUE)
phaseSums[1,3] <- sum(appMatrix[,8] == "eng-app1", na.rm = TRUE)
phaseSums[1,4] <- sum(appMatrix[,8] == "val-app1", na.rm = TRUE)
phaseSums[1,5] <- sum(appMatrix[,8] == "app0-app1", na.rm = TRUE)

x <- barplot(phaseSums, xaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of genes supporting relationship")
labs <- colnames(phaseSums)
text(cex=1, x=x-.25, y=-1, labs, xpd=TRUE, srt=45)

Barplot of phyluce comparisons

In [4]:
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML 
Image(url = "https://peterwschafran.com/codebooks/ComparePhyluceTrees.svg")

2.7 Results shown above in barplots suggest mixed success:

The greatest number of loci (27) show closest distance between I. engemannii and the phased I. appalachiana allele (phase 0 or phase 1) -- matches result based on plastome phylogeny that I. engelmannii is maternal parent.

23 loci show closest distance between I. valida -- I. appalachiana.

10 loci show phased I. appalachiana alleles are closer to each other than either parent -- need to check these for chimaeras or other misassembly

3. HybPiper Allele Phasing

3.1 Reads that were phased based on Phyluce contigs were assembled by HybPiper

//TODO phase reads based on HybPiper contigs.

3.1.1 Assemble phased-read contigs

Example command line: reads_first.py -r READ1.fastq READ2.fastq -b Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix Isoetes_spPhase0 --bwa

In [ ]:
reads_first.py -r /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_appPhase0/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/Isoetes_appPhase0-READ1.fastq /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_appPhase0/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/Isoetes_appPhase0-READ2.fastq -b Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_appPhase0 --bwa
reads_first.py -r /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_appPhase1/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/Isoetes_appPhase1-READ1.fastq /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Phyluce/Isoetes_appPhase1/split-adapter-quality-trimmed/Isoetes_appPhase1-READ2.fastq -b Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix I_appPhase1 --bwa

for i in I_app*; do cleanup.py $i; done

3.1.2 As above, once assembly is completed run other HybPiper utilities to get sequence lengths, statistics, identify exons/introns, paralogs, and extract sequence types

Remember to modify namelist.txt to include all samples (diploids and polyploids)

In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/get_seq_lengths.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta namelist.txt dna > sequence_lengths.txt # must be called with "python get_seq_lengths.py ..." due to preserve correct sys.argv order

python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/hybpiper_stats.py sequence_lengths.txt namelist.txt > statistics.txt

for i in I_*; do python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/intronerate.py --prefix $i; done

python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . dna

python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . intron

python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . supercontig

while read i; do python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/paralog_investigator.py $i; done < namelist.txt 

while read i; do python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/paralog_retriever.py namelist.txt $i > $i.paralogs.fasta; done < all_loci.txt

If above steps performed in same directory with diploid sequences generated earlier, output should have diploids and polyploids in same

Make sure to check paralogs, could be indication of poor sorting of phased reads

3.2 Align DNA seqs for each locus with MAFFT

In [ ]:
cd ./dna
for i in *.FNA; do mafft --auto $i > MAFFT.dna.$i; done

3.3 Do phylogenetic inference with IQ-TREE

In [ ]:
for i in MAFFT.dna.*.FNA ; do iqtree -s $i -m MFP -bb 5000 -alrt 5000 -nm 5000 ; done

3.4 As in 2.6, extract only trees containing all member of I. appalachiana complex and test distances of tetraploid phased sequences and diploid parents

In [ ]:
grep -h "Isoetes-engelmannii" MAFFT.dna.L*treefile | grep "Isoetes-valida" | grep "I_appPhase0" | grep "I_appPhase1" > MAFFT.IQTREE.AppalachianaComplex.trees

3.5 Run trees through R script in 2.6.3

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML 
Image(url = "https://peterwschafran.com/codebooks/CompareHybPiperTrees.svg")

3.6 Results appear to be drastically different from Phyluce

A plurality of loci (100) show least distant between the two phased alleles, rather than either diploid parent

78 phased loci show least distance to I. valida, while only 58 show least distance to I. engelmannii -- reverse of the Phyluce results

3.7 Phase reads based on HybPiper template contigs

Using contigs assembled at /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/I_appalachiana_WC10

In [ ]:
### BWA
### Loops through all sample directories, build BWA index from HybPiper contigs, build SAM alignment of samples fastq reads against contigs
cd /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/I_appalachiana_WC10
for i in L* ; do bwa index $i/I_appalachiana_WC10/sequences/FNA/$i.FNA ; bwa mem $i/I_appalachiana_WC10/sequences/FNA/$i.FNA /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/RAPiD-Genomics_F065_UFG_393202_P020_WC10_i5-514_i7-47_S2461_L007_R1_001_val_1.fq /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/Schafran_GoFlag/A01_trimmedReads/RAPiD-Genomics_F065_UFG_393202_P020_WC10_i5-514_i7-47_S2461_L007_R2_001_val_2.fq > $i.sam; done

### Convert SAM to BAM files
for i in L* ; do samtools view -bS $i.sam > $i.bam ; done

### Sort BAM files prior to phaseing
for i in L* ; do samtools sort -o $i/$i.sorted.bam bam/$i.bam ; done

### Phase BAM files
for i in L* ; do samtools phase -Q 33 -q 5 -b $i/$i $i/$i.sorted.bam ; done

### Extract reads from phased BAM files
for i in L* ; do samtools sort -n -o $i/$i.0.sort.bam $i/$i.0.bam && samtools fixmate -m $i/$i.0.sort.bam $i/$i.0.fixMate.bam && samtools sort -o $i/$i.0.sort.bam $i/$i.0.fixMate.bam && samtools markdup -r $i/$i.0.sort.bam $i/$i.0.rmDup.bam && bam2fastq $i/$i.0.rmDup.bam -o $i/$i-Phase0-R#.fastq ; done 
for i in L* ; do samtools sort -n -o $i/$i.1.sort.bam $i/$i.1.bam && samtools fixmate -m $i/$i.1.sort.bam $i/$i.1.fixMate.bam && samtools sort -o $i/$i.1.sort.bam $i/$i.1.fixMate.bam && samtools markdup -r $i/$i.1.sort.bam $i/$i.1.rmDup.bam && bam2fastq $i/$i.1.rmDup.bam -o $i/$i-Phase1-R#.fastq ; done 

3.8 Assemble phased reads with SPAdes (used to evaluate phasing, not needed for further steps)

In [ ]:
for i in L* ; do spades.py -1 $i/$i-Phase0-R_1.fastq -2 $i/$i-Phase0-R_2.fastq --careful -o $i/spades_Phase0 ; cp $i/spades_Phase0/scaffolds.fasta $i-Phase0-scaffolds.fasta ; done
for i in L* ; do spades.py -1 $i/$i-Phase1-R_1.fastq -2 $i/$i-Phase1-R_2.fastq --careful -o $i/spades_Phase1 ; cp $i/spades_Phase1/scaffolds.fasta $i-Phase1-scaffolds.fasta ; done

3.9 Run HybPiper on each individual locus for each set of phased reads.

In [ ]:
cd /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/I_appalachiana_WC10/phased_reads/

for i in {1..453} ; do for j in {0..1} ; do reads_first.py -r L$i-Phase$j-R_1.fastq L$i-Phase$j-R_2.fastq -b ../Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta --prefix L$i-Phase$j --bwa ; done ; done
for i in {1..453} ; do for j in {0..1} ; do cleanup.py L$i-Phase$j; done ; done

python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/get_seq_lengths.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta namelist.txt dna > sequence_lengths.txt # must be called with "python get_seq_lengths.py ..." due to preserve correct sys.argv order

3.9.1 Create namelist.txt containing each locus and phase

In [ ]:
for i in L* ; do echo $i >> namelist.txt ; done

3.9.2 Get sequence lengths from HybPiper-assembled phased reads

In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/get_seq_lengths.py ../../Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta namelist.txt dna > sequence_lengths.txt # must be called with "python get_seq_lengths.py ..." due to preserve correct sys.argv order

3.9.3 Generate HybPiper statistics -- didn't work so skipping to 3.9.4

In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/hybpiper_stats.py sequence_lengths.txt namelist.txt > statistics.txt

#### This fails for some reason, possibly b/c there are loci with 0 reads
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/hybpiper_stats.py", line 153, in <module>
    if __name__ == "__main__":main()
  File "/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/hybpiper_stats.py", line 130, in main
    stats_dict[name] += enrich_efficiency_bwa(bamfile)
  File "/Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/hybpiper_stats.py", line 51, in enrich_efficiency_bwa
    return str(int(numReads)),str(int(mappedReads)),"{0:.3f}".format(mappedReads/numReads)
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

3.9.4 Retrieve DNA sequences

In [ ]:
python /Applications/Phylogenetics/HybPiper/HybPiper/retrieve_sequences.py Isoetes_Unique_GoFlag_target_scaffolds.fasta . dna

Retrieving DNA sequences as above -- which treats each Locus-Phase combo as a sample, then parses the original list of scaffolds and pull all matching sequences from the "samples" -- reveals that some loci are very similar (or identical) to other loci.

For following steps, I am using only loci which recovered 2 sequences -- one from each set of phases for each locus.

In [ ]:
for i in *.FNA ; do num=$(grep -c ">" $i ) ; if [ $num = 2 ] ; then echo $i >> twoPhaseLoci.txt ; fi ; done
while read i ; do num1=$(grep -c "Phase0" $i) ; num2=$(grep -c "Phase1" $i) ; if [[ num1 -eq 1 || num2 -eq 1 ]] ; then echo $i > goodPhasedLoci.txt ; fi ; done < twoPhaseLoci.txt

111 loci passed this filter

3.10 Combine cleanly phased I. appalachiana sequences with those diploid loci

Data location: /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/wSinensisRef/diploidsOnly/targetRegions/seqs

In [ ]:
while read i ; do cat /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/I_appalachiana_WC10/phased_reads/$i /Volumes/Samsung_T5/IsoetesDNA/GoFlag/HybPiper/wSinensisRef/diploidsOnly/targetRegions/seqs/$i > Diploids-appPhases-combined-$i ; done < ../../../../I_appalachiana_WC10/phased_reads/goodPhasedLoci.txt

3.11 Rename locus name in fastas with "I_app"

In [ ]:
for i in Diploids-appPhases-combined-L* ; do sed -E s/L[0-9]+-/I_app/g < $i > $i.renamed.fasta ; done

3.12 Align remaining loci

In [ ]:
for i in Diploids-appPhases-combined-L*.renamed.fasta ; do mafft --auto $i > MAFFT_$i ; done

3.13 Do phylogenetic tree inference for each locus with IQ-TREE

In [ ]:
for i in MAFFT_Diploids-appPhases-combined-L*.renamed.fasta ; do iqtree -s $i -m MFP -bb 5000 -alrt 5000 -nm 5000 ; done

3.14 Select only trees with all 4 sequences for I. appalachiana complex

In [ ]:
grep -h "I_engelmannii" MAFFT_uce-*-combined.fasta.treefile | grep "I_valida" | grep "I_appPhase0" | grep "I_appPhase1" > MAFFT.IQTREE.AppalachianaComplex.trees

107 trees remained

3.15 Run trees through R script in 2.6.3

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML 
Image(url = "https://peterwschafran.com/codebooks/CompareHybPiperTrees2.svg")

Disitribution of loci closest to I. engelmannii vs. I. valida is more even than above, but still with large number of loci that do not follow expected pattern and could be chimeras. Also, examining the distances for each tree, several identify both phases from a single locus were closest to the same diploid.

3.16 Let's compare the phased I. appalachiana loci against all the diploids

Using R code modified from that in step 2.6.3

In [ ]:
appTrees <- read.tree(file.choose())

appMatrix <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = (length(appTrees[[1]]$tip.label)*2)-2, nrow = length(appTrees)*2)
colnames(appMatrix) <- c("I_valida_WC11","I_engelmannii_WA10","I_butleri_WA12", "I_flaccida_WD11","I_storkii_WF12","I_flaccida_WE11", "I_mattaponica_WB11", "I_melanopoda_WG11" ,"I_piedmontana_WF11", "I_lithophila_WB12", "I_melanopoda_WH11", "I_valida_WC11","I_engelmannii_WA10","I_butleri_WA12", "I_flaccida_WD11","I_storkii_WF12","I_flaccida_WE11", "I_mattaponica_WB11", "I_melanopoda_WG11" ,"I_piedmontana_WF11", "I_lithophila_WB12", "I_melanopoda_WH11" ,"App0 Min Distance", "App1 Min Distance")
j <- 1
engelmanniiPhase0_validaPhase1_Trees <- list()
eng0val1_counter <- 1
engelmanniiPhase1_validaPhase0_Trees <- list()
eng1val0_counter <- 1
for (i in seq(1,length(appTrees),1)) {
  try(appMatrix[j,1] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_valida_WC11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,2] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_engelmannii_WA10", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,3] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_butleri_WA12", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,4] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_flaccida_WD11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,5] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_storkii_WF12", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,6] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_flaccida_WE11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,7] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_mattaponica_WB11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,8] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_melanopoda_WG11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,9] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_piedmontana_WF11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,10] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_lithophila_WB12", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j,11] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_melanopoda_WH11", "I_appPhase0"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,12] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_valida_WC11", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,13] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_engelmannii_WA10", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,14] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_butleri_WA12", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,15] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_flaccida_WD11", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,16] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_storkii_WF12", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,17] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_flaccida_WE11", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,18] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_mattaponica_WB11", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,19] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_melanopoda_WG11", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,20] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_piedmontana_WF11", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,21] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_lithophila_WB12", "I_appPhase1"))
  try(appMatrix[j+1,22] <- fastDist(appTrees[[i]], "I_melanopoda_WH11", "I_appPhase1"))
  appMatrix[j,23] <- colnames(appMatrix)[which.min(appMatrix[i,])]
  appMatrix[j+1,24] <- colnames(appMatrix)[which.min(appMatrix[i+1,])]
  j <- j + 2

par(mfrow = c(2,1))
phase0table <- table(appMatrix[,23])
x <- barplot(phase0table, xaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of loci with closest diploid", main = "Isoetes appalachiana Phase 0")
labs <- names(phase0table)
phase1table <- table(appMatrix[,24])
x <- barplot(phase1table, xaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of loci with closest diploid", main = "Isoetes appalachiana Phase 1")
text(cex=0.75, x=x, y=-1.25, labs, xpd=TRUE, srt=45, adj = c(1,0))

### This plot posted below
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
bothphaseTable <- table(appMatrix[,23:24])
labs <- names(bothphaseTable)
x <- barplot(bothphaseTable, xaxt = "n", ylab = "Number of loci with closest diploid", main = "Isoetes appalachiana")
text(cex=0.75, x=x, y=-1.25, labs, xpd=TRUE, srt=45, adj = c(1,0))
In [2]:
from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.core.display import HTML 
Image(url = "https://peterwschafran.com/codebooks/CompareHybPiperAllDiploids.svg")

I. engelmannii and I. valida stand out as the most prevalent diploids close to the phased I. appalachiana sequences. However, many of the loci still don't behave as expected (1 phase with I. engelmannii, the other phase with I. valida). Many loci have both phases close to the same diploid.